The children enjoyed our number day activity where they had to guess how many cubes were in a jar.
Read More1H Weekly Learning w/e 07/02/25
Year 1 children attended an under the sea workshop and they really enjoyed the acting and the games.
Read More1H Weekly Learning w/e 31/01/25
Year 1 children are learning about tens and ones and are finding number bonds to 20.
Read More1P Weekly Learning w/e 31/01/25
This week the children used different instruments to make music that sounds like fossils.
Read More1P Weekly Learning w/e 24/01/25
This week 1P were learning one more and one less than number up to 20.
Read More1H Weekly Learning w/e 24/01/25
Children in Year 1 were exploring world maps using Beebots. They coded instructions to navigate towards their desired continent.
Read More1H Weekly Learning w/e 17/01/25
Year 1 children explored high-pitched and low-pitched sounds using a xylophone and a glockenspiel.
Read More1P Weekly Learning w/e 17/01/25
In music this week, 1P were exploring how to use instruments to make music that sounds like fossils.
Read More1H Weekly Learning w/e 10/01/25
Year 1 children learned about the ‘Visit from Shepherds’ story through acting.
Read More1P Weekly Learning w/e 10/01/25
This week 1P used their understanding of different symbols in maths to create and solve number sentences.
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