In RE we have been learning about Advent. We made Advent promises and created this display.
Read More2FW Weekly Learning w/e 29/11/24
This week we have been celebrating St. Catherine’s Day. The children have enjoyed finding out more about St. Catherine and why she is important to us.
Read More2FW Weekly Learning w/e 22/11/24
In Maths this week the children have been learning to add together two 2-digit numbers, involving exchanging. They have been learning to record this using the column method, recording the exchange that took place practically.
Read More2S Weekly Learning w/e 22/11/24
In Maths this week we have been learning to add and subtract with exchange. We worked in pairs using base 10 to solve the calculations.
Read More2FW Weekly Learning w/e 15/11/24
Today the children have worked practically with a partner creating two 2 digit numbers using base 10 on their tens and ones chart. They have added these together and tried to record their sums correctly.
Read More2S Weekly Learning w/e 15/11/24
In Literacy this week, we were learning about possessive apostrophes and how to use them in our writing. We wrote some sentences linked to our story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
Read More2FW Weekly Learning w/e 08/11/24
This week 2FW have been introduced to our new story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The children have enjoyed acting out the story and retelling it orally.
Read More2S Weekly Learning w/e 08/11/24
In Maths, we have been learning to subtract with exchange. We worked in pairs and used base 10 to work out the answers to our calculations.
Read More2S Weekly Learning w/e 25/10/24
In Science, we have been learning about food chains. We spoke about what a consumer and a producer is and how animals can be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
Read More2FW Weekly Learning w/e 25/10/24
In RE we have been focusing on Caring for Creation. We spent time reading an excerpt from Genesis.
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