We achieved Gold!
The assessor, Mr Paul Harris, thanked the children, the leadership team, staff, parents and governors for their warm welcome to the school. Not only did Mr Harris have the opportunity to speak with adults and children during the assessment, but he scrutinised the very detailed evidence provided to support the process. Mr Harris praised the following as particular strengths of our school –
- a very clear strategic commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
- an ethos which is underpinned by respect creating a welcoming, supportive and inclusive learning community
- children’s views are listened to and taken seriously
- children are encouraged to learn about and engage with the wider world
We are delighted with our Gold award certificate displayed in our school and are extremely proud of our achievements!
Rights Respecting Steering Group
Our steering group guides and informs the activities of the whole school so that we maintain the ethos and status of a Gold Rights Respecting School. Its work is underpinned by the following principles:
The steering groups provides a link between children and young people, teachers, senior management team, governors and the whole school community
It has the influence and ability to drive forward change and to take the lead in developing and delivering the school’s RRS action plan
It represents a cross section of the school community and to ensure that the whole school is aware of the Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
The group ensures that working towards the RRSA is not a ‘teacher only’ initiative
It is underpinned by Article 12 – Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.
What is ‘’The Rights Respecting Schools Award”?
The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between pupils and adult, between adults and between pupils.
The UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School’s Award (RRSA) is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.
The RRSA seeks to put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s ethos and culture to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. A rights-respecting school is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted. Young people and the school community learn about children’s rights by putting them into practice every day.