In Maths this week we have been learning to add and subtract with exchange. We worked in pairs using base 10 to solve the calculations.
Read More6G Weekly Learning w/e 22/11/24
During RE, 6G learnt the story of the Himalayan villagers and the woodcutters. They then took on the role of villagers or woodcutters to discuss how justice could be shown to the villagers.
Read MoreOnline Safety – 16/10/25 – Generative AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not something new; we have been using AI for many years, often without realising. It started with pattern recognition, such as predictive text or algorithms showing us content we might be interested on Instagram. ‘Generative AI’ is what we have seen a recent rise in use of, with platforms such as […]
Read MoreNursery Weekly Learning w/e 07/06/24
This week Francis bought in a limpet shell from his holiday to the seaside. It was a great start to our topic ‘I wonder where they live….. ‘ We looked at the story book ‘ Sally and the limpet’ and learnt that limpets like to be in the sea.
Read MoreRM Weekly learning w/e 26/04/24
In Music we kept practising short and long sounds using different musical instruments. The children were able to recognise a short sound from a long one.
Read More1F Weekly Learning w/e 22/3/24
Y1 had a fantastic trip to see the LSO perform at the Barbican Centre on Tuesday. They watched and participated in a performance of ‘Musical Mechanics’ and learnt all about the parts of the orchestra, as well as hearing classical pieces from composers like Tchaikovsky and Beethoven.
Read MoreNursery Weekly Learning w/e 8/3/24
Nursery enjoyed celebrating ‘World Book Day’. This year we created masks and pretended to be our favourite book characters.
Read More3B Weekly Learning w/e 1/3/24
3B learning about the importance of a healthy balanced diet. With occasional treats!
Read MoreY5 Maths Challenge
Year 5 Maths challenge A group of Year 5 children participated in a Maths challenge this week. This friendly, online, inter-school competition provided the children with a fantastic opportunity to apply their knowledge of mathematics and teamwork skills. The hour-long heat was comprised of a set of four equally weighted rounds, each designed to test […]
Read More4S Weekly Update w/e 02/02/24
4S were making necklace using sticks
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