Dear Parents and Carers,
In addition to what was sent earlier in the week, we will be doing the following next week.
Having already carried out some writing tasks based on the story of Theseus and the Minotaur at the end of this week. Next week, we will link to our bird watch in Forest School and research and write information about birds that they see using all the writing techniques from this year so far.
For safer internet day, we will be taking part in a virtual assembly next week. We will then complete a follow up activity based around this.
Next week is children’s mental health week. We will be carrying out activities related to this.
We will look at module 2, unit 3, session 3: safe in my body. This session follows on from the previous two internet safety sessions, by moving into the real world and considering what physical contact is appropriate and inappropriate. Children will be introduced to the term ‘abuse’ and discuss different kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse, here referred to as ‘abuse of private parts’- this will be covered only through a brief video which you can see on TenTen. Please note that it won’t be any more detailed or explicit than chats that they have from the NSPCC each year. Children will be asked to think of trusted adults that they can talk to about any issues they may face.
Kind regards,
Year 3 Team