Our new uniform supplier is Smiths Schoolwear. Please click here to go to the Smiths Schoolwear website where you will be able to get more information about uniform items and be able to order. By clicking here you will find a brochure (with prices) of our school uniform.
Winter uniform should be worn for the second half of the Autumn Term and all of the Spring Term.
Summer uniform should be worn for all of the Summer Term and the first half of the Autumn Term.
Please find below the list of available uniform by year group:
Sky polo shirt, logoed
Navy sweatshirt, logoed
Navy legionnaire’s cap, logoed
KS1 – Boys (Reception to Year 2)
Sky polo shirt, logoed
Navy sweatshirt, logoed
Grey trousers
Grey shorts (summer only)
Grey ankle socks
Navy legionnaire’s cap, logoed
Navy coat
Navy book bag, logoed
Navy ski hat, logoed
Navy gloves
School scarf
Black or navy shoes (no boots)
KS1 – Girls (Reception to Year 2)
Sky polo shirt, logoed
Navy sweatshirt, logoed
Navy cardigan, logoed
Navy blue skirt
Navy blue trousers (optional)
Summer dress, pale blue check – navy gym shorts underneath (optional)
White ankle socks (summer only)
Navy knee length socks
Navy tights
Navy legionnaire’s cap, logoed
Navy coat
Navy book bag, logoed
Navy ski hat, logoed
Navy gloves
School scarf
Black or navy shoes (no boots)
KS2 – Boys (Year 3 to Year 6)
Sky polo shirt, logoed
Navy sweatshirt, logoed
Grey Trousers
Grey shorts (summer only)
Grey ankle socks
Navy baseball cap, logoed
Navy coat
Navy book bag, logoed
Navy ski hat, logoed
Navy gloves
School scarf
Black or navy shoes (no boots)
KS2 – Girls (Year 3 to Year 6)
Sky polo shirt, logoed
Navy sweatshirt, logoed
Navy cardigan, logoed
Navy skirt
Navy trousers – optional
Summer dress, pale blue check – navy gym shorts underneath (optional)
Navy knee length socks
Navy tights
White ankle socks (summer only)
Navy baseball cap, logoed
Navy coat
Navy book bag, logoed
Navy ski hat, logoed
Navy gloves
School scarf
Black or navy shoes (no boots)
PE Kit Girls: KS1 & KS2 (Reception to Year 6)
House t-shirt
Navy hooded top, logoed
Navy joggers
Navy shorts (cycling shorts are not allowed)
White sports socks
Navy PE bag, logoed
Sensible coloured trainers (no neon)
PE Kit Boys: KS1 & KS2 (Reception to Year 6)
House t-shirt
Navy hooded top, logoed
Navy joggers
Navy PE shorts
White sports socks
Navy PE bag, logoed
Sensible coloured trainers (no neon or football boots)