Prayer Life of our School
“Loving and learning together as Jesus taught us.”
As a school we work in conjunction with our families and our churches to develop the child in her/ his religious and faith formation. The atmosphere and culture in the school nurtures strong ideas about Christian living. Our aim is to form in our children: strong attitudes of mind, wonder, reverence, generosity, kindness and a sense of brotherhood/sisterhood.
Religious liturgies take place throughout the academic year reflecting the liturgical year. The children take an active part in the readings, bidding prayers, singing, drama and role play. Some of our liturgies / masses are led by the clergy of the Parish of St. Mary Immaculate and St Gregory and from the Parish of Mary Immaculate and St Peter and others are led by the staff and pupils.
Parents/ carers are welcome to attend class masses, prayer services and other liturgies throughout the year. Our Friday assemblies celebrate the good learning and good behaviour of the week. Children from each class are chosen to share what they have enjoyed learning this week and are given a special sticker in recognition of their hard work. Good Attendance, House Stars and excellent playground behaviour is also celebrated at this assembly.
Each class holds an Act of Worship in the classroom on the days when they are not gathering together in the main hall. This is an opportunity for children and staff to pray and reflect and together. Each classroom has a ‘Prayer Focus Area’, which focuses the attention of the children during this worship time.
Every Monday the children gather for our Gospel Assembly inspired by the Gospel read on Sunday. This gives us the opportunity to share the Gospel as a school community in a unique and prayerful way. Through the Gospel assembly the Word of God is present within the school, nurturing our faith and belief in the importance of living out the Gospel Values in our everyday lives. The Gospel message is also shared with our whole school community in the weekly newsletter.
Every week Father John visits the children in years 5 and 6 and together they discover the beauty and peace of Christian meditation. By using the ancient Hebrew word ‘Maranatha’ (which means “Come Lord Jesus”) and by learning to sit in silence and stillness, they discover God’s Spirit is within them. Our parents are also invited every Friday to participate in their own meditation with Father John.
The Key Stage 2 children have opportunities throughout the term to develop their understanding of the benefits of mindfulness in their lives.
The children learn about the Christian approach to helping others less fortunate .Fund raising events are organised and collections are made for various charities at intervals throughout the year. We consider this an essential part of our Catholic quest for justice in the world. We use these opportunities to teach pupils about the needs of people locally in their own community and in the wider world.
The school’s policy for RSHE- Relationship, Sex and Health Education sets out how pupils grow to an understanding of God’s love through respect for their own and the bodies of others.