Fairfield Way Crossing

We were delighted to meet with Louis Bynoe the School Travel Advisor from the Highways Safe and Sustainable Travel Department yesterday, regarding Fairfield Way. Mr Bynoe met with Mrs McKenzie our School Business Manager. Mrs Groom our Travel Plan Leader and Mrs Chesterton one of our parent reps to discuss how difficult it is for adults and children to cross this road and how there have been several occasions where pedestrians have almost been knocked down. Mr Bynoe took our concerns very seriously. He is going to write up a report and send it to his senior engineers to ask for their expertise. He has asked for us as a school community to approach our local ward Councillor to raise this as a Members Item at the next Area Committee to see if they will approve funding for our request for engineering works. Many thanks to our Parent Reps who raised this concern in our Parent Rep Meeting. This is an example of how successful we can be when we work together to improve the lives of our children and those in the wider St Catherine’s community. We will keep you updated with our progress.

If you have any experience of issues involving crossing the junction at Fairfield Way and the High Road when walking to and from School, could you please email the details to the Office. Thank you.