Maths: This week the children have used their knowledge of the 10 times-table to divide by 10. The children have experienced a range of grouping and sharing activities, building on their previous learning, and were reminded of the differences and similarities between these two structures. At this point, the children should be confident in counting backwards in 10s and understand that they can use this to solve division calculations. During the lesson, the children were exposed to a range of representations to show division. They started by using concrete resources, such as base 10, and contextual sentence stems before moving on to more pictorial and abstract representations, including number lines and number sentences. We have been encouraging the children to identify their own, mathematically correct, rule for dividing by 10 and to compare ideas with others.
Moving forward, the children will focus on the 5 times-table. They will use their understanding of multiplication to count in 5s. As with the other times-tables covered earlier, zero will be included, so that children realise that 0 × 5 = 0. The children will develop their knowledge of the 5 times-table facts, which will be reinforced when they divide by 5 next week. The children will use multiple representations to show the 5 times-table and manipulatives are used to support understanding. Efficient counting strategies will be shared, and the children will be encouraged to use known facts rather than always counting from 1 × 5. We will encourage the children to spot patterns with the 5 times-table and see links between the 5 and 10 times-tables.
English: The children have been writing about their Easter holidays in their own words, including lots adjectives and time connectives, to sequence the events. Later this week, the children will begin to write a fictional narrative based on the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Computing: The children used technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. The lesson focussed on what presentations are. The children were then given the opportunity to identify the main features of a presentation, name some of the most popular presentation applications and organise their presentation into main ideas.
Kind Regards,
Miss Fielden, Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Whyatt