In RE this week, Year 5 were reflecting on an aspect of Catholic Social Teaching inspired by the Catholic aid agency, Caritas. We focussed our learning on the ‘preferential option for the poor’. This theme, which followed nicely on from last week’s Gospel reading – ‘whatsoever you to do my people, you do to me’ – is also significant as Advent approaches. This is a time when we get our hearts and minds ready for Jesus and we think about what he asks us to do.
During the lesson, the children wrote something for the School newsletter, informing us about the importance of the preferential option for the poor and encouraging us to do what we can. Gabriel in 5MG shares his below:
As I’m sure lots of people are aware, Advent is coming up this weekend. During this time, we should get ready to help the unfortunate in our minds and in our hearts. A lot of the time, we think we are very close to God and love him but how ca we be so sure of that id we don’t help those in need. Like John said, “If anyone is well off in worldly possessions and sees their sister or brother in need but closes their hearts to them, how can the love of God be remaining in them.” (1 John 3:17-18) We normally think the wealthiest should get the most money, but it is actually the opposite.
To show we do love God in the time of Advent, we could use the Advent giving calendar. This is something that Caritas has made which advises you to give different foods on different days of Advent to your local foodbank. If you see someone on the streets, you could bring them to a nearby homeless shelter. People have already taken action by donating organisations, like Cafod and Caritas, which help people in need.
This message comes from God, in the Bible. It tells us that the poor are the most important, even though the people who work hard get the wealth, but being poor is not necessarily anyone’s fault. We should follow Jesus’ example. He says, “Blessed are the poor, theirs in the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 6:20-21)
The link to the Caritas Advent giving calendar is here: Announcing our new Advent Giving Calendar! | Caritas Westminster