Wishing every one a Happy St Catherine’s Day. We celebrated with a coffee morning for parents and with a mass in the hall for KS2. Thank you to all the parents who came to join us in our celebration. It was such a special occasion where we were truly uplifted by Fr Jean Paschal’s homily and his praise for everyone who contributed to the mass. We welcomed our Diocese Consultant Flic Henderson to St Catherine’s on this special day as well. She commented how every person left the hall with a smile on their face. She thought the singing was amazing. . A huge thank you to the readers and the musicians who created an opportunity for everyone to sing with such open hearts. Fr Jean recommended we put one foot forward in praise of God and the second foot forward in service and love for our neighbours.
Thank you to everyone who gives their time and energy to making St Catherine’s a special place, especially the PTA who ensured the children had a biscuit treat and left school today with seeds and a special message to help them grow in love for each other.