On Tuesday, whilst Years 3 and 4 attended Mass at St Peter’s, Years 5 and 6 attended Mass at St Gregory’s Church to celebrate All Saints’ Day. We were welcomed by the local community, who joined us in the congregation. Years 5 & 6 sung ‘For All the Saints’ as their opening hymn together. The Year 6 children read the First Reading, psalm, Gospel Acclamation and Prayers of the Faithful from the lectern clearly and with confidence.
Fr John reflected on the Gospel of the Beatitudes. He commented on how the Saints had lived Jesus’ message brought to us in Matthew’s Gospel. He explained that there was a patron saint for nearly everything! Year 5 were able to recognize some of the examples of the Saints from their recent RE topic, ‘God’s Helpers’. Fr John asked us to recognise the qualities of each of the Saints and be inspired by their example. Let us follow in Jesus’ footsteps as they did.