Year 5 Weekly Update – 19/05/23

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are really looking forward to our Tudor Workshop tomorrow and seeing the children in their costumes! Thank you to those parents who have offered to come and support us during the day. There will be a variety of activities that will require adult support. There will be no Forest School tomorrow.

On Monday 22nd (next week) we have our Year 5/6 May Procession to celebrate the month of Mary. You are very welcome to attend this short, reflective and thoughtful service at 2pm. Please remember to bring in a flower to lay by our statue of Mary.

This week

English: We are writing a letter as if we were Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII, protesting our innocence and begging of mercy. We have used a range of persuasive techniques and emotive language. I think if Henry had read our letters there may have been a different outcome! We definitely have a VERY persuasive cohort!

Maths: We have started our new topic on Perimeter and Area, reminding ourselves of these concepts and how to calculate them. We have been using specific mathematical vocabulary.

Geography: We will be comparing maps from different years: 16th Century London vs. present day London and identifying similarities and differences and how a settlement changes as it grows over time.

PHSE: We will be exploring the challenges involved in making good choices. Pupils will consider scenarios where people feel pressured to use drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Children will be encourage to use their scientific knowledge and religious understanding to cope with pressurising situations and make good choices. If you would like to explore this lesson further please follow this link:

Ten Ten Parent Portal: as part of our subscription to ‘Life to the Full’ and ‘Collective Worship’, all parents can access the Online Parent Portal with these login details.

Username: st-catherine-en5

Password: great-572

Parent Portal website:

Spellings: the test will by Friday 26th May











Thank you for your continued support

Ms Groom, Mrs McDonagh, Mrs Georgiou