Dear parents,
This week in English the children have been retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk trying to use all the appropriate Year 2 punctuation – capitals, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas in lists and apostrophes. They have also been trying to use adjectives in their retelling.
In Maths the children have begun their new topic of fractions and have been learning to recognise and find a half.
In R.E the children have been learning about the offertory and the consecration.
In D & T the children have been pressing flowers to make bookmarks and evaluating their bookmarks.
Home Learning
There will be no new spellings to learn this week, as it is the Easter holidays. Please continue to listen to your child read regularly over the holiday. We hope you have a wonderful Easter break!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Whyatt and Miss Fielden