Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors

The Rights Respecting Ambassadors met on Tuesday to plan the coming weeks.  Next  Friday we plan to carry out a learning walk around the whole school looking for evidence that we are a rights respecting school. This is in preparation for our visit from Martins School. We were delighted to welcome the new children .

The children were extremely excited about designing our own Gold RRS badge. This will be one of our projects this  term.

We talked about the start to the school year and the children spoke so positively about their new classes and teachers.

‘I love the shoeless learning. I feel relaxed and ready to learn.’ Year 3

‘Our teachers are lovely and make learning fun! We are happy!’ Year 4

‘Our classrooms are colourful, warm and welcoming’ Year 5

‘The children are smiling in their lessons. Lessons are fun!’ Year 6