The PTA are delighted to announce that £7,475 was raised for the school at the Christmas Fayre! We hope everyone had a great time and got into the Christmas spirit!
We are very grateful for everyone’s support and would like to thank the families for attending and all sponsors for donating so many wonderful prizes! Also an huge thanks to the parents and teachers who helped set up the event and man the stalls on the day. Thanks also to our Year 6 helpers who did a great job managing some of the stalls! The fayre would not have been such a success without everyone’s time, effort and support.
Congratulations to all the raffle winners who were lucky enough to take home our amazing prizes! Please come to collect your prize from the school office if you have not already done so. If you are the holder of ticket 517 with a peach border, please make yourself known to the main office, as there was no name on your ticket.
If you were the winner of the Zumba with Santa prize on the Prize Box stall, please email the PTA on ptastcatherinesschool@gmail.com for important information about this prize.
Santa’s Grotto: This year’s Grotto was absolutely stunning thanks London Event Decor, who have also created our beautiful elf balloons which also raised £98 for the school! Please see their flyer attached if you need any event or Christmas decorations.