We would like to remind all parents that we promote an unofficial one way system to try and ease congestion on Vale Drive. We ask that if driving, you enter Vale Drive from Milton Avenue and travel down the hill. If you enter Vale Drive from Elton Avenue or Woodfall Avenue please ensure you turn right to follow the direction of traffic. If everyone follows this guidance we, hopefully, will prevent the ‘bottle neck’ which forms at the junction of Vale Drive and Mays Lane. If you usually enter Vale Drive from Mays Lane we ask that you turn up Elton Avenue, Woodfall or Milton Avenue instead.
We would appreciate if you pass this information onto any relatives or childminders that do the school drop off or pick up.
As always, we ask for your consideration when parking to ensure that you are not blocking neighbours driveways or parking or double yellows lines. This is imperative to ensure the safety of your children when arriving and leaving school.