Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to the parents who attended the curriculum meeting both in person and via Teams, we hope the meeting was useful! We have attached the slides from the meeting for those who were unable to attend.
These are the log in details for Ten Ten so you can view the resources we will be using in class:
Username: st-catherines-en5
Password: great-572
Spellings: Prefixes -un and -dis
disappear unkind dislike unfair disagree unhappy unusual disobey undoTimes tables:
This week, please could you practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables with your child.
Times Tables Rockstars is still being used so please encourage your child to use the software to practice their times tables. Well Done to 3E who won the battle against 3B! Certificates will be given out this week.
Next week, we will be representing numbers to 1000, partitioning numbers to 1000, using number lines to 1000 and learning about hundreds, tens and ones.
Next week, we will be reading a model text and identifying all the specific writing techniques we have looked at this week. We will then move on to writing our own text about our trip to the zoo.
Next week, we will be revisiting the first creation story recognizing the author’s use of poetic language to describe how the world was formed
Computing/ Geography
Next week, we will be learning about how to use digital technology in different ways in the classroom, home and community. We will also be analysing maps and atlases including digital mapping, to locate countries and describe features studied.
Next week, we will be sorting foods into different food groups.
In PSHE next week, we will be learning that God loves, embraces, guides, forgives and reconciles us with him and one another. We will also be learning the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in relationships.
Forest school
The children have Forest school every Wednesday this half term. Please ensure that the children have wellies and appropriate wet weather gear in the event of bad weather.