Dear Parents and Carers,
We have been delighted to welcome our new students in Year 4 this week and they’ve settled in wonderfully! We’ve had a great time discussing our family backgrounds and making flags to represent where we come from in the world. Next week, we’ll start learning about the Romans.
We’re still looking for parents to join us on our trip to St Albans next Monday 12th September. Please make sure you’ve returned your child’s permission slip and let us know if you can help out. Any support you can offer is greatly appreciated.
Spellings: This week we will be a revision of year 3/4 common exception words:
Accidentally, Actual, Address, Answer, Appear, Arrive, Believe, Bicycle
Spelling Assessments take place every Tuesday starting from next week.
Times tables: Next week we will be focusing on teaching the 4 times table. To support this, please practice with your child at home. As well as this, your child has been set a purple mash times table quiz to access at home. Please find some links to useful websites below.
English: Next week in English, we will be beginning to look at the story of Boudicca. We will be sequencing the events of the great battle against the Romans, which we will use to help when we go on to write our Boudicca inspired Historical narratives.
Maths: In Maths, we will be beginning our work on place value for the term. We will be working on representing and partitioning numbers to 1000. Below is a useful link to help support this work.
D+T: Later in the term Year 4 will be creating their own Roman Mosaics! To do this we will be using empty CD cases as the base for our work. If you have any unwanted CDs at home, we would be very grateful for donations to support this project.
- School Trip to Verulamium next Tuesday (12.09.22)
- PE days are Monday and Thursday, swimming will begin next week (Monday).
- Times Table Rockstars is still available to access at home
- Library books will be sent home from next week, these are to be returned every Monday.
- Spelling test is taking place every Friday
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Santangelo and Miss Kyriacou