Year 6 Weekly Update – 08/09/23

Dear parents/carers,  

We are really excited to begin this new academic year with all of our new Year 6’s and it was lovely to welcome them in this morning. We will be emailing spelling words from next Tuesday. Just a reminder that our Year 6 curriculum meeting is taking place on Thursday 7th September at 9am in the Arts Hub. If you wish to attend this meeting virtually you can, a link will be emailed out today with further details. If you would like to complete additional learning at home, we have listed a range of useful websites and resources that you can visit with your child. Please can you refrain from completing past SATs papers at home as we will be completing numerous mock tests in school to assess the children’s learning and progress and we will be using these papers to do this.

The learning for next week is:

English: We are learning to analyse how a writer uses language to create a setting. To write in role as a character using a range of sentence types. To analyse a character and setting effectively using information from the text. 

Maths: To read and write numbers up to 1000, 100,000, 1 million and 10 million. To identify and recognise powers of 10. 

Science: To explain that light travels in straight lines. 

RE: To understand and explain what the Kingdom of God is like. To recall the values of the Kingdom of God. 

Computing: To recognise what is appropriate and inappropriate to share online and know that using offensive language online is a risk and has a permanent online trail (digital footprint). 

PSHE: To learn what makes a healthy diet and why this is important. 

PE: CT: Gymnastics-matching and mirroring    Mr Reilly: Health and Wellbeing 

Useful websites for further work/revision at home:



 Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 6 Team