Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back! It’s been a great start to the new School year. Children have come in with big smiles on their faces and it is wonderful to have them back in the classroom. We are doing lots of settling in activities this week, establishing routines and expectations as well as starting some of our curriculum learning.
We look forward to sharing more details of this with your at our Year 5 Curriculum Meeting on Friday 8th September at 9am in the Arts Hub. It will also be online on Teams. Please look out for another email with the details of this.
Please remember to ensure your child has a water bottle and sun hat in School during this week as it is so hot!
This week
PHSE: We completed our Class Charter based on the UNICEF rights of the child and how we will achieve these in the classroom. We used our learning to create a display. We will be doing some drama using various scenarios, looking at how best to build cooperative friendships.
Maths: We will be practising some arithmetic and calculation methods that the children learnt in Year 4, ensuring we are confident in our calculation strategies before moving forward. We will start our Maths topic on Place Value, starting with a lesson on Roman Numerals.
RE: We will be writing our own lunchtime and end the day prayers with our Talk Partners. Our RE topic is on Creation and we will be thinking of goals for the year to put on our RE Creation display.
Computing: We will be reminding ourselves about the importance of e-safety and everyone in the class will read, understand and sign the School’s Acceptable Use Policy about how to use all of our electronic devices responsibly and safely.
History: We will introduce our new topic ‘Pharaohs’ about Ancient Egypt. Children will analyse a variety of artefacts and sources asking questions and using their knowledge.
Spellings: Test will take place on Friday 15th September
Please practise these words, words with the letter string ‘ough’
Things to remember:
PE: Tuesdays (outdoor) & Thursdays (indoor).
Forest School: 5MG Wednesdays, 5G Thursdays. Please ensure children have appropriate outer clothing and footwear.
Bring fruit/vegetables for a healthy snack at break time.
Thank you for all your support, it’s going to be a fantastic year!
Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom & Mrs McDonagh