Dear Parents and Carers,
Well done to all children that took part in the Prayer’s Service this week. They did a great job honouring St Peter and St Paul.
Just a reminder that the reports have gone out today- please check your child’s bag as soon as they go home.
Find below learning for next week.
Spelling: catch dispatch hatch hatchback latch match patchwork scratch snatch thatch
Maths: Next week, we will focus on length and perimeter. We will use the fact that 1 km is equal to 1,000 m to derive related facts using numbers up to 10,000. We will explore perimeter with a focus on rectilinear shapes, where all sides meet at right angles.
RE: Next week in RE we will learn about the structure of the Church’s liturgical year and the Sacraments.
PSHE: Next week topic is Respecting our bodies. Children will explore the importance of respecting our bodies as a gift from God in very practical ways, such as clothing, food and physical exercise. They will reflect on their bodies as a gift from God that He wants us to look after and respect.
English: Next week in English we will look at the life and work of David Attenborough.
Mrs Santangelo and Miss Bonfield