Dear Parents and Carers,
Please find our weekly update below. Please take the time to review the list of reminders at the bottom of this email. If you have any questions, please speak to your class teacher.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we have been learning these new Phoneme-Grapheme correspondences:
- /ey/, /aight/, /eigh/ and /ea/ in grey, straight, eight and great.
- /kn/ and /gn/ in knee and gnaw,
- /mb/ in crumb,
- /ere/ and /eer/ in here and sneer.
We have been reviewing and learning the following common exception words (tricky words):
- Our,
- Their,
- Busy,
- Beautiful,
- Pretty
- Hour.
What can I do at home?
Read with your child at least 10 minutes per day. Sound out words on fingers or out loud. Children should identify digraphs and trigraphs they can see first. Children can chunk the word (splitting the word into chunks to decode). For example: feel/ling.
The home learning has been attached in this email.
Maths: In Maths this week we have introduced been splitting shapes into 2 equal parts (in half) using a ruler. We have also been finding a quarter.
What can I do at home?
Visit Purple Mash for learning that has been set for week. If your child would like to complete more maths work, we would advise that you print out the Purple Mash page and complete the learning on paper. This will minimise their screen time and to allow them to write numbers and practise their screen time.
Literacy/History: This week, the children have sequenced the events of the Great Fire of London and have written what happened at each stage.
Handwriting: This week the children have been correctly forming the letters ‘a’ and ‘d’.
RE: In RE, we have continued reading the story of Jesus calming the storm. We sequenced the story with pictures and wrote a sentence to describe each picture.
Geography: This week the children have learnt to use directional language (north, south, east and west), and have used this language to describe a place on a map.
French: In French, the children have begun to learn the names of different sea creatures.
- A polite reminder to return all books on a Wednesday (reading record, home-school books and library books).
- A polite reminder that 1K’s PE days are on Mondays and Wednesdays.
- A polite reminder to ensure that the Great Fire of London Day has been paid for your child. It is available on ParentPay. We would greatly appreciate volunteers for the day. At present there are only 7 volunteers. In order for the day to take place, we need 10 volunteers. Please see the form sent to you for more details.
- Sports day will take place on Thursday 29th June. Children come into school dressed in their PE kits. Please bring a change of clothes for Maths week (black and white clothing to replicate a penguin outfit).
- There is an INSET day on Friday 30th June. Children will not be in school.
Best wishes,
Miss. Kyriacou, Mr. Noel and Mrs. Byrne