On Tuesday, Year 5 escaped the classroom to spend the day in the Science Museum in South Kensington as part of their ‘Stargazers’ trip. The excitement amongst the children, to spend the day learning outside the classroom, was palpable as the children delighted the passengers of the two end coaches of the Northern Line southbound tube with a repertoire of various songs and hymns! We were off to a great start.
Upon on our arrival at the Museum, we were impressed with the juxtaposition of historic engineering on display next to the latest scientific inventions. (It was also beautifully cool, a welcome relief from the intense sun outside.)
In the Space Gallery, which was the focus of our trip, we followed Ms Groom’s Scavenger Hunt: finding information about space travel and historic missions. We can use all the information we have learnt in the classroom!
We spent an enjoyable hour in the Wonderlab, exploring how Science is everywhere in our lives. There was also a large model of the Sun, Earth and moon with their orbits, which will be really useful when we learn about the phases of the moon and write a newspaper report on the moon landing in 1969.
It was an enjoyable, valuable and inspiring trip. Year 5 were excellent ambassadors for St Catherine’s with several members of the public commenting on how well behaved they were and how happy they were.