Dear Parents/ Carers
Year 4 have had an enjoyable last week of the half term. We have taken advantage of the warmer weather by reading outside and soaking up the sunshine during our skipathon this morning! We wish you all a restful and enjoyable half term. Please see attached the knowledge organiser for our topic next term ‘Blue Abyss’
Times Tables: Please use the half term to practice times table daily. We will be administering the MTC check in June.
Spellings: There will be no spelling assessment on the first week back. Please continue to practice a variety of Y3/4 spelling words where possible.
New Topic: Our topic next term will be ‘Blue Abyss’ We will be investigating living things and their habitats, delving into the Oceans of the world, and discussing the impact of pollution on our planet.
Kind Regards,
Miss Bonfield and Mrs. Santangelo.