Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 4 have had a wonderful time visiting the Environmental centre this week. We launched our learning on food chains and habitats, and enjoyed pond dipping and meadow sweeping! Please find your child’s learning and home learning below.
Times Tables: Please continue to access both TTRS and Purple Mash at home. We have also attached a times table worksheet to complete at home if you are able.
Spelling Words: group, guard, guide, heard, heart, height, history, imagine, increase, important
English: Next week in English we will be continuing to practice a variety of spelling and grammar rules including possessive and plural apostrophes.
Maths: Children will explore different ways of making 1 whole with tenths and hundredths. They will then learn to partition and order decimals.
RE: Next week we will learn about Paul’s missionary journeys, including his faith and courage. We will describe the life and work of Paul in the history of the people of God and suggest ways they live out the good news.
PSHE: In PSHE, we will continue to explore the topic of healthy eating. We will discuss how to be active and healthy and which food is needed to provide energy for the body.
- Next week is walk to school week. Your child will bring home a leaflet explaining more this Friday.
- Year 3/ 4 May procession will take place on Monday Morning
- Please ensure all outstanding library books come back to school on Monday
Kind Regards,
Miss Bonfield and Mrs. Santangelo