Dear Parents and Carers,
Focus: Homophones
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Please practise the 10, 5, 2, 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
The next Times tables Rockstars battle will be between 3B and 3G, beginning today and ending on Thursday. We will give the certificates out for the top 3 players in each class during celebration assembly on Friday and hear which class has been victorious.
- To link multiplication and division and begin dividing 2 digits by 1 digit.
- Build up to writing recounts.
- To understand the importance of the Readings at Mass and to reflect on how we listen to God’s word.
- To know what happens at the Offertory and Consecration and think about the offerings we can make.
- To know what it means to feel safe, and explore and recognise different early warning signs we have that tell us we might not be feeling safe (stress signals such as increased heart rate, sweating, feeling flushed, muscle tension etc).
- To add values on spreadsheets.
- To know that magnets have two poles that attract and repel each other.
- To use straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.
- You will also find attached the French learning for this half term for your reference.
- To emboss on foil.
Kind regards,
Mrs Ball and Miss Grace