Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to school! We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable break and that all of you managed to stay safe.
Science Museum – We have our visit to the Science Museum on Friday 3rd February with a focus on Electricity. Please provide your child with a packed lunch and water for the trip. Please ensure you have completed the online form otherwise your child will not be able to attend the visit.
Please find below next week learning.
Spellings: misplaced misread misfit misfired misunderstand misinform misspell mispronounce mistrust mismatch
Times tables: Please continue to practise times tables up to 12. The children are continuing to prepare for the Year 4 multiplication check which takes place this June. It is important that your child is regularly accessing the purple mash times table tests which are in their weekly 2Dos.
English: Next week In English we will be starting our work on Diary entries based on the book Hiawatha and the Peacemaker.
Maths: In Maths, children will use their division facts from the Autumn term to build on their knowledge of dividing a 2-digit and 3- digit number by a 1-digit number.
RE: Children will have the opportunity to know that Jesus is truly human and truly God. They will reflect on how we can share in the life of Jesus. We will also begin to discuss the events of Holy Week.
- Forest School – please bring wellies/ waterproof shoes on Tuesday. Children will bring the wellies home on Wednesday
Kind Regards,
Mrs Santangelo and Miss Bonfield