Year 5 Weekly Update – 11/11/22

Dear Parents,

Year 5 have had an extremely busy and productive week. We started off the week with an energetic and inspiring assembly to celebrate Black History Month led by Big Foot Theatre Company. The children were introduced to various significant British Black people who had helped shape our history and perhaps are not as well-known as some of the more famous faces. After the assembly, Years 5 took part in a drama workshop. Children worked in groups, using tableaux to tell the stories of more black British historical figures and significant events.

On Tuesday, Year 5 visited the Houses of Parliament. We started with a tour and walked through the House of Lords, Central Lobby as well as the Robing Room. We sat in the public gallery and listened to questions from the Opposition to the FCO. It was very impressive to watch and listen to minsters speak so articulately and passionately about current, worldwide issues.

Following the tour, we participated in a workshop. It was an inspiring and informative trip and made us think about how we can make an impact and be an active citizen. This will be a trip the children will remember for a very long time. Thank you again to the parents who helped on the trip.

In English, we have written and edited a poem where the children used the extended metaphor of the Black Death being a witch. The children focussed on using figurative language, such as, personification and ambitious vocabulary.

In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.

In History, 5MG took part in a Poppy Poetry workshop where they looked at poetry used to recruit soldiers to fight in World War One. 5G are looking forward to participating in the workshop tomorrow.

Support at home

Spellings: This week we have been learning the rules for making words plural by adding –es, ies, ves and s. Your child will be tested on these on Friday 18th November.











Times Table Rock Stars

Year 5 will be taking part in a friendly times tables (and division) competition. The competition runs from 07:30am Monday 14th November to 7.30pm Wednesday 16th November. It’s all done online via

Children can play in any gamemode with every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, earning themselves, their class and the school a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours, subject to a daily 60-minute limit (see below)). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average.

To support player wellbeing, there is a daily time limit of 60-minutes per player. In other words, each player can earn competition points for up to 60-minutes between 07:30am and 7:30pm on 07:30am Monday 14th November to 7:30pm Wednesday 16th November. Once the player goes beyond 60-minutes of play on that day, they will still earn coins but will no longer earn points towards the competition.


Please keep encouraging your child to read for twenty minutes daily, this can be independently or to an adult. We have attached a recommended book list to go with our topic.


Monday 14th November- Odd Socks Day

Forest school:  5MG Tuesday, 5G: Wednesday

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend,

Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom and Mrs McDonagh