Dear Parents and Carers,
Please find our weekly update below. Please take the time to review the list of reminders at the bottom of this email. If you have any questions, please speak to your class teacher.
Phonics: In Phonics this week we learning these new graphemes:
- ‘o’ in go,
- ‘i’ in tiger,
- ‘a’ in paper,
- ‘e’ in he.
We have been learning the following tricky words:
- Mr,
- Mrs,
- Ms,
- ask.
What can I do at home?
Read with your child at least 10 minutes per day. Sound out words on fingers or out loud. Children should identify digraphs and trigraphs they can see first. Children can chunk the word (splitting the word into chunks to decode). For example: feel/ling.
Please continue to practise recalling and writing the tricky words from this week and last term. I have attached the Phonics Home learning in this email also.
Literacy: In Literacy this the children finished their letting writing and we will start to send these home through the post.
Maths: In Maths this week we have been using the Part-Whole Model to write number sentences. We have been forming number sentences in different ways. This has been by swapping the parts (3 + 4 = 7 and 4 + 3 = 7), and also changing the order of the operations (7 = 3 + 4 and 7 = 4 + 3).
What can I do at home?
Visit Purple Mash for learning that has been set for week. If your child would like to complete more maths work, we would advise that you print out the Purple Mash page and complete the learning on paper. This will minimise their screen time and to allow them to write numbers and practise their number formation.
RE: In RE this week we have begun our new topic: Mary Our Mother. The children were retold the story of Angel Gabriel and Mary and we discussed the theme of trust. Mary had an important job to do because God trusted her. We also discussed the theme of free choice. Mary chose to say yes to God but she had the choice to say no because we are all in charge of making our own decisions. We concluded that Mary chose to be the Mother of Jesus because she also trusted in God and had faith in Him.
Forest School: In Forest School this week the children went on a Scavenger Hunt in the Forest Area. The children each had a sheet with a clipboard and pencil and were drawing the objects on their scavenger list.
History: This week in History we remembered those who had fallen during World War One. The children were told the importance and significance of Remembrance Day and we discussed the impact the Wars had for the future we live in today. As a class we discussed it would have felt to have lived during the Wars and the emotions of the people who had loved ones (soldiers, emergency services and civilians) who had lost their lives. At the end of our discussion, as a class we prayed to God to thank Him for our safety; to remember those who sacrificed their lives in the War for our future; and to bless those who are still suffering and to hope and pray for peace in their lives.
- Please could you continue to bring in your child’s reading record everyday so we can record when we read with your child and write the change of their book.
- This term our topic is Superheroes and we would like to ask parents whose occupation can be associated with a superhero to come into class to show and tell the children what they do day to day. We have already arranged for a police and firefighter session, but if anyone would like to volunteer that would be lovely. It does not necessarily have to be specific to a superhero, but someone who is helpful to the community. For instance, doctors, nurses, dentists, paramedics, charity workers, builders, electricians, architects, carpenters and plumbers. The list is very extensive! Please catch myself or Mr. Noel at the end of the day or you can email the office to let us know.
- Next week we will be walking to the Post Box to send the letters the children had written home. We would like to ask if there are any Parent Volunteers who would be free to help us direct the children to the Post Box. We will be leaving the school site to do this so any help will be appreciated! Please speak to myself or Mr. Noel.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Best wishes,
Miss. Kyriacou, Mr. Noel and Mrs. Byrne