Dear Parents,
It was lovely to start this half term with a visit to St Gregory’s to celebrate All Saints Day. The children sang beautifully and the congregation were very impressed with the children. Thank you to the parents who were able to assist us in getting to and from the church.
The children have enjoyed starting our new topic ‘Peasants, Pestilence and Princes.’ In History, they looked at pictures depicting the Black Death. They had to say what they could see in the picture, what they could infer from the picture and ask questions relating to the picture.
In English, we have been analysing a poem, ‘Fog’ by Carl Sandburg. This poem introduced the children to the idea of using an extended metaphor in poetry. We have started to generate ideas to create a poem where the Black Death is a witch.
In Maths, we have been learning about prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers.
In PSHE, we have been learning how thoughts and feelings impact on actions. We discussed different scenarios and thought about how positive and negative self-talk can change how we feel and act.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to taking part in a ‘Seasonal Produces’ cooking workshop. We have messaged the parents who have kindly offered their help.
We will start next week with an exciting assembly from Big Foot, where the children will find out about hidden figures in British History. The children will later take part in a workshop where they will learn more about significant black figures in British History.
On Tuesday, the children will be visiting the Houses of Parliament and taking part in a workshop. (Further details below)
Later in the week, the children will be participating in a Poppy Day poetry workshop.
Support at home
Spellings: This week we have been learning words from the Statutory Year 5 and 6 list of spelling words. Your child will be tested on these on Friday 11th November.
Times Table Rock Stars
Well done, to all the children that participated in the TTRS tournament recently.
5G the girls were the winners.
5MG the boys were the winners.
Please encourage your child to use TTRS next week.
Please keep encouraging your child to read for twenty minutes daily. The first stop on the reading challenge is from London to New York (Children have to read 5 books to achieve this). The books your child read at home count towards their reading challenge. If they finish a book at home, please write down the title, author and sign it to let us know they have finished the book.
Forest school: 5MG Wednesday (5G will not have forest school next week).
Tuesday 8th November- Please make sure the children are wearing their school uniform, have a coat, water bottle and have their packed lunch in a clearly labelled plastic or drawstring bag (please do not include any products containing nuts).
Wednesday- Parent’s Consulations via Teams. A link will be emailed to you next week.
Please pay for the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe via ParentPay.
We hope you have an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom and Mrs McDonagh