Dear Parents and Carers,
Class photos – Please note that the class photos for 2022/23 are taking place on Thursday 3rd November. Please ensure that your child comes into school in their uniform with their PE clothes in a bag.
Spellings: homophones
great eight ate weight wait son sun break brakeTimes tables
This week, please could you practise the 4 times tables with your child.
Times Tables Rockstars challenge over half term was 3B vs 3G and once again 3G were victorious. We will set a new challenge for Times Tables Rockstars for the week.
In maths this week we will be adding hundreds, spotting the patterns in addition and adding 1s across 10. Next week we will be adding 10s across 100, subtracting 1s across 10 and subtracting 10s across 100.
This week, we will be learning about the features of information books and the different organisational structures used. Next week we will be writing our own information books.
In RE, we will be learning that God chose Mary to be the mother of His Son and to explain the importance of being chosen. Next week we will be continuing with our learning about the Anunciation.
In art this week the children will be designing a piece of fabric and using wool and a cardboard loom to create it.
In History this week we will be sequencing dates and information from several historical periods on a timeline.
Forest school
We will continue Forest school this half term. Please ensure that the children have wellies and appropriate wet weather gear in the event of bad weather.
Home school books
Please ensure that your child’s home school book and reading record is always in their bag to enable us to change it when the opportunity arises.
Kind regards,
Miss Grace and Mrs Ball