Dear parents/carers,
We have had another excellent week of learning and we have been impressed with their attitude and learning. Next week we will be having our first round of SATs mock practice tests, the timetable for next week is:
Autumn 1 SATs mock test timetable
Monday: Spellings (20 minutes), Arithmetic (30 minutes)
Tuesday: Reading (1 hour), Reasoning 2 (45 minutes)
Wednesday: SPaG (45 minutes)
Thursday: Reasoning 3 (45 minutes)
These papers will then be separately marked and the scores will be sent home and shared with you the following week. The slip will show what mark your child received for each paper along with the pass and greater depth mark for each paper.
From Monday 10th October we will be encouraging the children to bring in items for the Harvest Festival which we will display in our classrooms on our prayer table. October is also one of the Months of Mary, please can your child bring in their rosary beads for the Hail Mary we will be saying every day this month.
Just a reminder that on Friday 14th October we have our Mexican cooking workshop. Thank you to those parents that have volunteered to help already, we will be in touch shortly. We are still in need of some more volunteers for each class so if you think that you are able to help support us with this then please email the office as soon as possible. Thank you to those parents that have already paid on parent pay, please could you ensure that you have paid for your child on parent pay.
The learning for next week is:
English: A chapter continuation of Holes, the chn will be doing their own narrative writing continuing the story of Holes.
Maths: Primes to 100, square and cube numbers, multiplying 4 by 2 digit numbers, solving multiplication problems.
Geography: Comparing and contrasting the physical characteristics of two locations.
RE: To recognise that Jesus’ miracles reflected the beginning of the Kingdom and show us what God is like.
Science: To be able to explore how light travels in a straight line and to explain why shadows have the same shape as the object that casts them.
PSHE: World Mental Health Day whole school focus (10th Oct), to learn how to deal with conflicts as they arise and how to effectively resolve them.
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 6 Team