Year 5 Weekly Update – 07/10/22

Dear Parents,

The highlight for our Year 5 children this week has been the coding workshop, this will continue next week.

In English, we have planned our mystery story based in Egypt. We have focussed on how to plan a mystery story using suspense, show not tell, expanded noun phrases and Alan Peat sentences.

In Maths, we have started our ‘Addition and Subtraction’ topic. We have been learning how to use column method to add and subtract, focussing on exchanging and borrowing.

In PHSE, we have discussed bodily autonomy and consent. We looked at scenarios such as Felix is play fighting with his cousin, who keeps tackling him. At first he enjoys it but then he wants to stop.’ The children were able to discuss what each person should do in the different situations.

Next week:

In English, we will be writing our mystery stories. Each day we will be writing one part of the story (e.g. Opening, Build Up, Problem, Resolution and Ending).

In Maths, we will be continuing with ‘Addition and Subtraction’.

On Monday it is World Mental Health Day, the focus this year is ‘Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority’. We will discuss this is in class and participate in an activity.

In our RE lessons, we will be reflecting on what we can learn from God’s great helpers (Francis of Assisi, St Martin de Porres, St Catherine of Alexandra and St Vincent de Paul).

Support at home

This week in our spelling lessons we have been looking at when you need to double the consonant to a verb when adding –ed or -ing. Please practise these spellings for the next spelling test on 14th October.











Times Table Rock Stars

Please continue to encourage your child to use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) at home.

We are delighted to see that more children are participating in the tournaments that we are setting.

5G: 51, 947

6S: 43, 857

Congratulations to 5G!

5MG: 12, 715

6M: 18, 903

Congratulations to 6M!

We have set up another tournament, children can take part from Friday 7th October, 5pm until Sunday 9th October 5pm. This week, it is an Upper Key Stage 2 tournament each class will be up against each other, the more your child uses TTRS the more coins they will earn for their class. May the best class win!


On Tuesday, Mrs Turner will be sharing the new reading challenge for Key Stage 2 in an assembly. More details will be given in next week’s email.

Children need to read at least five times weekly for twenty minutes. Children in Year 5 still really benefit from being read to and having discussions about the books they are reading.

Next Week 

PE: Wednesday and Thursday

Forest school:  5MG- Tuesday    5G- Wednesday

One Tree Day: Friday 14th October, children can wear one item of green to school in exchange for a £1 donation.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom and Mrs McDonagh