Year 3 Weekly Update – 09/09/22

Dear Parents and Carers,
Spellings: Suffixes – s, es, ed, er,  ing
Times tables:
In Year 3 the children consolidate their learning of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and learn the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. At the beginning of the year we focus on the times tables covered previously to improve the children’s fluency and recall. As such, please could you practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables with your child.
Times Tables Rockstars is still being used so please encourage your child to use the software to practice their times tables. If you are unsure of your child’s login, please contact the school office.
In maths, we are starting with Place value. This week we will be counting objects in numerals to 100 in both numerals and words. Next week, we will represent and partition numbers to 100.
This week, we will be revisiting the Alan Peat sentence types the children were taught in Year 2 and doing some dictionary work. Next week we will learn about fronted adverbials and start writing a recount of their visit to Whipsnade Zoo.
In RE, we will be reflecting about what it means to be part of a family. Next week we will be discussing what we do with our families.
In computing next week we will be learning about e-safety and the Acceptable Use Policies for KS2, and agree how we should use technology in school and at home.
In Science this week we will learning about predators, prey and food chains in advance of our visit to Whipsnade Zoo on Friday. Next week, we will be learning about herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.
In PSHE we will be learning about Zones of Regulation, talking about emotions and learning how to respond appropriately.
Forest school
The children have Forest school every Wednesday this half term. Please ensure that the children have wellies and appropriate wet weather gear in the event of bad weather.
Trip to Whipsnade Zoo
On Friday we have our trip to Whipsnade Zoo. We will be travelling by coach and hope to depart at 08.50am PROMPT and return by 3:15pm We will open the classroom doors at 8:30am, but please ensure your child is in school by 8:40am at the latest to allow us to register and discuss the day with the children. We will keep you updated via text message if there are any changes to our arrival time at school at the end of the day.
Children will need a packed lunch in a clearly labelled, disposable bag or drawstring bag (no glass bottles or products containing nuts please). Children will need to wear their normal school uniform on the day. Please also bring a rain coat just in case of rain.
New Year mass
Next Tuesday there will be a New Year mass for all the children.
Year 3 Curriculum meeting
On Thursday 15th September we will host the Year 3 Curriculum meeting. We would like to welcome you into school on the day for the meeting, however, if you are unable to attend in person then we will offer a virtual alternative at the same time.
We will email out the slides in the morning along with a Microsoft Teams link for you to listen to the presentation. This will be the first time we have done this and therefore we thank you in advance for your patience. Due to the nature of the meeting, it is unlikely we will be able to take questions virtually, but if you have any queries after the meeting, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.