Dear parents,
Thanks for your support in preparing the children for their prayer service this week. We were very proud of their performance this morning!
This week in English the children have been reading the ‘Frog Prince’. The have been learning to retell the story and change an aspect of it. They have tried their best to use adjectives and adverbs throughout.
In Maths the children have been learning about position and movement. They have been learning to describe turns and movement using language such as: right, left, clockwise, anti-clockwise, half-turn, full-turn, quarter-turn, three-quarter turn, forwards and backwards.
In science the children have been planning and carrying out an experiment to find the bounciest ball.
Home Learning for this Week
In spellings we are learning about adding the suffix ‘ness’. Please help your child to learn the following words for our test next Tuesday:
Thanks for your support.
Best wishes,
Mrs. Whyatt and Miss Fielden