Dear parents,
We are really looking forward to welcoming you into school this week and hope you are able to join us for our May procession tomorrow at 2:15 or Jubilee Day on Friday or for both occasions.
This week in English/topic the children been learning about explorers and pirates. They have been discussing how significant people were and why. In Geography they have been learning about maps and how to use symbols and a key. We have been creating pirate maps on tea-stained paper.
In Maths the children have been continuing to learn about time and how to read clocks to the nearest 5 minutes.
In R.E the children have been learning about Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit changed the disciples’ feelings after Jesus died and gave them the strength to spread God’s word.
In Science we have concluded our plant diaries and have learnt that plants need both water and light to survive.
Home Learning for this Week
There will be no home learning this week because of half term. We hope you have a wonderful half term!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Whyatt and Miss Fielden