Year 2 Weekly Update – 29/4/22

Dear parents,
This week in English the children have been reading the the story of ‘the Night Pirates’ and making predictions about what would happen next.
In Maths the children have been continuing to learn about fractions by learning how to find 2/4 or 3/4 of a shape or amount and learning that 2/4 and 1/2 are the same. They have also been learning to find 1/3 of a shape or amount.
In science the children have set up an experiment to test what plants need to grow. We will continue to monitor our test over the next few weeks and will be keeping a plant diary.
In D & T the children have been making following their plans to make scented playdough.
Thanks for all of your offers of help for our school trip to the Golden Hinde. If anyone else is able to help, please let us know before the end of this week. We will pull names out of a hat next Wednesday and let you know then if your help will be needed. We will be travelling to the Golden Hinde by tube and the children will be required to wear their school uniform. They will also need a packed lunch, preferably in a plastic bag.
Home Learning for this Week
Next week in spelling we will be focusing on adding ‘y’ to words ending in ‘e’. Please help your child to learn the following words:
For the Maths home learning this week, we would like the children to focus on their mental Maths. Please practise adding and subtracting a one-digit number to a two-digit number with your child eg 21 + 3 or 86 – 7 and see if they can get quicker at this. We will give them a mental Maths challenge next week to see how quick they are at this.
Please also make sure to listen to your child read every night and sign their reading record.
Thanks for your support.
 Best wishes,
Miss Fielden and Mrs. Whyatt