This week in phonics we have been exploring sounds by playing with different instruments. We have tried to change the sounds the instruments make by playing them in different ways, such as tapping them gently and shaking them harder. We are building up our vocabulary about sounds and describing the noises that the instruments make. We thought the cymbal sounded like a crash, and the drum sounded like a splat.
In maths we have continued to learn about the number two. We discussed things that are easy to do with one person, and things that are better with two people. The children suggested that you need two people to play snakes and ladders, tennis, snap and chess!
We hope you are enjoying your Star Reader challenge! We will swap books on Mondays and Thursdays, so please make sure your child has their reading folder with them on these days. Remember that any stories you read at home can also be added to your reading diary.
In RE we have continued learning that God made us all different. We have talked about the different colours of our skin, hair, and eyes. We know that God made each of us differently, but that we are all very special to him. If you are passing through the school, keep an eye out for our ‘All About Me’ display of our family pictures and seslf portraits!
Please check Tapestry for more updates. If you are struggling with accessing Tapestry, please speak to a member of the Nursery team.