As part of our learning about online safety, children participated in an online Scratch virtual workshop.
Read More5MG Weekly Learning w/e 14/02/25
In maths we used place value grids and counters to help us understand decimals up to 2 decimal places.
Read More5G Weekly Learning w/e 07/02/25
To consolidate their learning on fractions recently, children worked with their talk partner to multiply mixed numbers by a single-digit number.
Read More5MG Weekly Learning w/e 07/02/25
This week, we evaluated the Alchemy Island board games we made in our groups. We had to think about what went well and any changes we needed to make to our games.
Read More5G Weekly Learning w/e 31/01/25
In Computing we used mixed media software to create avatars using selfies!
Read More5MG Weekly Learning w/e 31/01/25
In Science, we used our knowledge of solubility to investigate how many teaspoons of sugar could be dissolved into hot and cold water.
Read More5MG Weekly Learning w/e 24/01/25
In Science, we used different scientific processes, such as magnetism, sieving, filtration and evaporation to separate a mixture of paper clips, lentils, flour and salt.
Read More5G Weekly Learning w/e 24/01/25
Children attended an online safety workshop.
Read More5G Weekly Learning w/e 17/01/25
In PE, the children were learning some of the rules in netball, e.g. to not hold onto the ball for more than three seconds and to use the chest pass when throwing the ball.
Read More5MG Weekly Learning w/e 17/01/25
In Science, we used several different scientific processes to investigate the properties of various materials and explained how they could be used according to their properties.
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