Dear Parents and Carers,
Our visit to the Verulamium Museum on Friday was a lot of fun! The kids took part in a workshop where they learned about Roman artifacts, and they also visited the Roman Amphitheatre. This week, we’ve organised a Times table Rockstars tournament between classes 4S and 4K. You can participate in this competition both at home and in school starting today. The results will be revealed in our next update.
Please practise at home the following words:
breath, build, business, calendar, caught, centre, century, certain
Spelling Assessments take place every Friday.
Times tables: Next week we will be focusing on teaching the 7 times table. To support this, please practise with your child at home. Please find some links to the useful websites below.
English: In English, we will be learning how to plan a historical narrative. The students will be working on planning and writing their own version of the story of Boudicca’s rebellion. They will use adjectival phrases and time adverbials as inspiration for their writing.
Maths: In Maths, the children will continue their learning on place value. The students will represent and partition numbers up to 10,000. To do this, they will use pictorials to represent and partition numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
Geography: In Geography, the children will begin to sketch their own map of our local area. We will use Digimaps to highlight our route to swimming, and virtually identify roads and landmarks to begin to form our map key.
RE: In RE children are continuing to learn about the Bible and to know that is a living book through which God speaks to us. We will have the opportunity to know about God’s call to Moses and Joseph.
PSHE: Children will be learning that thankfulness builds resilience against feelings of envy, inadequacy and insecurity, and against pressure from peers and the media. In this session, children will identify behaviour that is wrong, unacceptable, unhealthy or risky and will be given an opportunity to be thankful for people and experiences in their lives.
- Recorders are needed in school every
- PE days are Monday and Thursday
The following logins can be used to access resources on Ten Ten
Username: st-catherines-en5
Password: great-572
Kind Regards,
Mrs Santangelo and Miss Kyriacou