Year 4 Weekly Update – 10/03/23

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week we are preparing for our DT topic of the term ‘Totem Poles’ Year 4 will learn the history of Totem Poles and then design/ Create their own. We will be using toilet roll/kitchen roll holders and a wide range of craft materials such as feathers/ patterned paper to help us with this. Please can your child bring at least 2 toilet roll/ 1 kitchen roll holders into school ready for next Friday. If you do happen to have spares, donations would be appreciated.


Please find below next week’s learning.


Spellings: Practise these words beautician dietician electrician magician mathematician musician optician physician politician technician


Times tables: Please continue to practise times tables up to 12. It is important that your child is regularly accessing the purple mash times table tests which are in their weekly 2Dos.

A Times- tables competition between 4S and 4B has been set on Timestables Rockstars, starting from today.


English: In English next week we will be peer assessing our Hiawatha and the Peacemaker work, giving our peers feedback and assessing our own work against the success criteria.


Maths:  Children will explore partitioning mixed numbers in different ways. The key focus is to ensure that children can confidently partition a mixed number into its whole and fractional parts. Part-whole models and bar models are key representations that allow children to see how a mixed number is being partitioned.


Science: Next week is Science week and Year 4 will be taking part in lots of fun and educational activities based around this year’s theme ‘Connections’.

RE:  Children will learn about Holy Thursday and reflect on how we can show our love for Jesus. They will make links between the stories and beliefs about Jesus. They will respond to questions about the feelings and experiences of the main characters during the events of Holy Week


  • Forest School has been very muddy recently so wellies/ waterproof shoes are essential for these sessions.
  • The Year 4 Mass will take place next Tuesday at 9am

    Kind Regards,

    Miss Bonfield and Mrs. Santangelo