Dear Parents and Carers,
We have loved getting to know the children in Y2 and have been so impressed with how well they have settled into class! We have enjoyed creating flags that celebrate where we are from in the world and discussing the rights each child has. Later in the week we look forward to beginning our learning on Beachcombers. We will contact everyone who has volunteered to help on our Trip by Friday 9th September, thank you in advance for your support.
Spellings: This week we will be focusing on the Y2 Common Exception Words, in particular:
after, again, any, bath and beautiful
Weekly Spelling Assessments will begin w/c 19.09.22
English: This week in English, the children have recounted their summer holidays. Later this week, they will begin to look at new vocabulary related to our new topic, Beachcombers, and write sentences based on their senses. Next week, we will begin our writing based on our first book, The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. The children will start by making predictions about the story.
Maths: In Maths, we have begun our Place Value topic for the term. Earlier in the week, we recapped with the children their previous knowledge and understanding of Place Value from Y1 and will be moving onto counting objects to 100 by making 10s and learning to recognise tens and ones using a place value chart. Below is a useful link to help support this work.
Place value – Year 2 KS1 Maths – BBC Bitesize
PSHE: This week, we spent time discussing the rights of a child and thinking about how these rights could be achieved. We matched each right to the correct responsibility. Once we had a clear understanding of the rights of a child we then identified a selection of rights that we believed to be the most important rights to us as a year group.
Year 2 Curriculum Meeting: On Tuesday 13th September we will host the Year 2 Curriculum Meeting. We would like to welcome you into school on the day for the meeting, however, if you are unable to attend in person then we will offer a virtual alternative at the same time. Please use the Microsoft Teams link below if you wish to listen to the presentation. This will be the first time we have done this and therefore we thank you in advance for your patience. Due to the nature of the meeting, it is unlikely we will be able to take questions virtually, but if you have any queries after the meeting, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.
- Please read with your child daily. Your child will be sent home with a library book this week and Home School Books will begin from next week. All books need to be returned every Thursday.
- School Trip to Shoeburyness Beach on Thursday 22nd September 2022
- PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Kind Regards,
Mrs Fraser, Miss Fielden and Mrs Whyatt