In phonics we have been exploring body percussion. We have been distinguishing between different body sounds and trying to create patterns of sounds. We have also been learning words to describe different sounds and distinguishing between long/short, fast/slow and loud/quiet sounds.
In maths we been learning about the composition of numbers 1-5, and we have introduced partitioning a whole number into parts. We used cubes to create representations of number, and explored breaking the cubes back into smaller numbers.
In RE we have been learning about Jesus calling his disciples, and have talked a lot about what we can do to show our love for Jesus. We know that Jesus has great love for each of us, and we can show our love by being kind, sharing, and welcoming new friends.
Our new story focus is Handa’s Surprise. We have been trying the different fruits that Handa has in the story, and we voted on which fruit was our favourite. On the art table we have been painting still life pictures of the fruits, and on the mark making table we have been writing our own Handa stories.