It has been a delight to welcome the Nursery children back this week. We have thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about their Christmas holidays and sharing what they got up to during news time.
In phonics we have been recapping our listening skills. We know that to be a good listener you should keep your lips closed and make sure you are looking at who is speaking. We practised our listening skills by going on a sound hunt around the whole school. We walked to the dining hall where we could hear cutlery clinking, outside the office we could hear the phone ringing, in the corridor we could hear the hand dryer, and when we were in the memorial garden we could hear birds, motorbikes, cars and the trains.
In maths we have been recapping our number recognition of 1-5. We have been ordering numbers and matching numerals to the correct quantity of objects.
We celebrated the Epiphany, and listened to what happened when the three wise men went to visit baby Jesus. We know they travelled for a long time to visit him, and brought him gifts fit for a king. After listening to the story of the epiphany, we dressed up as wise men and acted out the story.
Our new story focus is Supertato which the children have really enjoyed. We have been predicting what will happen next in the story, and coming up with our own plans to trap the evil pea.