Thank you to our RRS Ambassadors– children, parents and governors. We look forward to the coming term and the opportunity to visit other local primary schools. It has been a very busy half term and our aim in January is to publish our RRS leaflet and draw up a programme of events and assemblies for the spring term. We will be welcoming speakers from the NSPCC, The Passage (homeless in Westminster) and the Catholic Children’s Society.
Many of our children are planning fundraising events in the coming months. They are so enthusiastic. I know that you will support them, as always. Thank You! Mrs Ainger.
Global Learning: GLOBAL GOAL 15 Life on Land
All over the world initiatives are taken to make our planet more sustainable. Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods. Plant life provides 80 percent of our human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resource and means of development.
Forests account for 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, providing vital habitats for millions of species and important sources for clean air and water; as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
At St Catherine’s our children and staff are fully aware of the importance of looking after our world. The Global Learning units give the children the opportunity to discuss these key issues.