This week, the children in Reception class explored the concept of God’s family. They shared stories about their own families and discovered the wonderful variety among them, such as being an only child or having many siblings.
Read More1P Weekly Learning w/e 22/11/24
1P were retelling the story of Mary and Elizabeth in their busy time.
Read More6G Weekly Learning w/e 22/11/24
During RE, 6G learnt the story of the Himalayan villagers and the woodcutters. They then took on the role of villagers or woodcutters to discuss how justice could be shown to the villagers.
Read More1P Weekly Learning w/e 15/11/24
This week 1P drew pictures of Mary in their busy time to put on our RE display.
Read More1H Weekly Learning w/e 15/11/24
Children in Year 1 are learning about ‘The Annunciation’ by acting it out.
Read More5G Weekly Learning w/e 25/10/24
In RE, the children learnt about several notable black Catholics who are on the path to sainthood.
Read More6G Weekly Learning w/e 25/10/24
6G worked in groups to sort Jesus’ miracles into the categories of power of nature, disease or death.
Read More4K Weekly Learning w/e 25/10/24
This week, the children loved learning about the story and celebration of Diwali
Read More1H Weekly Learning w/e 25/10/24
The Year 1 children had a Diwali workshop and really enjoyed learning about the festival through fun activities and the story.
Read More2FW Weekly Learning w/e 25/10/24
In RE we have been focusing on Caring for Creation. We spent time reading an excerpt from Genesis.
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