Online Safety – 05/02/25 – Safer Internet Day 2025

Tuesday 11th February is Safer Internet day. The theme this year is:

 “Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online”

On Safer Internet Day itself, all classes will learn more about the theme. To find out how you can support your child with this year’s theme, visit the Safer Internet Day UK website for some top tips.

It has been wonderful to see so many of you in school for our workshops in the lead up to Safer Internet Day. Thank you to parents and carers of 2S and Year 3 who attended the workshops this week. We strongly encourage parents and carers of children in 2FW and Year 4 to sign up to the upcoming sessions in school via the link in your Ping messages.

A reminder that as well as this, in your Ping messages, all parents and carers will find the link to an hour-long virtual parent session that you can join at home at any time until 16th February.