Nursery Weekly Update W/E 19/01/24

Nursery have been delighted to welcome new children to their group. We have been busy learning about what makes a good friend, the children decided that a good friend is kind, caring, takes turns, makes you smile, picks you up when you fall down and is respectful. The children have been encouraged to use these words and actions as they help to settle their new friends.

We have been reading ‘A Superhero like you’ by Dr Ranj. We talked about real life superheroes and how everyone can be a superhero. Parents/Carers have been invited in to talk about their jobs and we look forward to listening to them.

We turned our role play area into a medical center for people and animals and have enjoyed dressing up and taking on different roles.

We enjoyed our drama workshop with Becky. The children acted out a variety of characters, moved in different ways as they followed a storyline.

We have loved having our Mystery story tellers in, as always, the children have been a great audience.