Year 1 Weekly Update – 08/09/23

Dear Parents,

It has been delightful to have the children return to school yesterday. They have settled into their new classrooms and quickly got stuck into the activities and new learning. We are already incredibly proud of each and every one of them.

Please find attached to this email the Knowledge Organiser that will give you more information about our first topic for this half term, Memory Box. You will also receive a separate email containing a document with lots of ideas for potential home learning opportunities.


  • Forest School lessons will take place every Thursday. Please ensure your child has weather appropriate footwear, ideally wellington boots, and a jacket if necessary. At the moment the weather is very warm so this will not be needed but please keep this in mind for later in the term.
  • We would love to see you at the Year 1 Curriculum Meeting on Friday 15 September, where will we be providing you with an overview of the learning that will be taking place this year. You may choose to attend in person or online, a separate email containing the login information should you need it will be coming soon.
  • Class teachers will continue to add observations and photographs from the learning taking place in class to Tapestry until January
  • Please ensure that your child has a hat and a water bottle in school every day especially during this hot weather.
  • We are currently assessing the children in phonics and home reading books will be assigned to the children once this has been completed.

This Week’s Learning

PSHE/RHE: Year 1 have democratically decided on what their class rules should be for this year through a whole class discussion. We discussed what we need to do to keep ourselves and others happy and safe in the classroom and we signed the rules to show that we are going to try our best to uphold these rules at all times.

RE: Later this week, we will begin our new RE topic ‘Creation and Covenant’. The children will hear the creation story, as told in Genesis, and build a small world version of the world. They will reflect on the metaphorical nature of the story and what it can reveal about God.

Maths: This week, we will be focusing on sorting and categorising objects. The children will be asked to think of their own categories to sort objects, i.e. colour, shape, size and type. They will also organise themselves and their peers into different groups and comment on why they have chosen a particular category. Finally, they will be exposed to reasoning questions, where they will be asked to explain their thinking and explain their decision making.

Computing: Before being allowed to access the computers in the Year 1 classrooms, we have discussed the importance of Internet safety. We discussed issues such as stranger danger, communicating kindly online, being mindful of age restrictions and who we can speak to if we are unhappy with anything we see on the computer. The children signed St. Catherine’s Key Stage 1 Acceptable Use Agreement. They also added some online safety rules and pictures to our classroom Computing displays.

Kind Regards,

Miss Fielden and Mrs. Horkuc